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Chairman Liu Xueyi visited enterprises of DPRK
发布时间: 2013-08-26

A delegation headed by Mr. Liu Xueyi, Chairman of Complant Group and Complant Ltd., visited enterprises of Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) from July 9 to 15, 2013. During his stay, Mr. Liu Xueyi met with the Chinese ambassador and economic counselor to DPRK as well as senior government officials of DPRK. The delegation has exchanged views on economy, investment environment and future cooperation with the representatives of governmental officials.

As expected, the business visit has deepened mutual understanding between Complant and related corporations of DPRK, paving a way for cooperation and collaboration in the future.

Mr. Jiang Xiangying , Deputy General Manager of Complant Ltd., also joined this delegation.





China National Complete Plant Import & Export Corpration Limited BeiJing ICP for 11018349
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